Furnace Services in El Paso, TX

Deciding Between Repairing and Replacing a Furnace in El Paso, TX

February 15, 2021

When furnaces reach the end of their lifespan in El Paso, TX, they can no longer heat your home as effectively or efficiently. Here are some questions to ask when deciding between repairing and replacing your furnace.

Are Your Energy Bills More Expensive?

A significant increase in your energy bills in El Paso, TX, usually means your furnace needs repair or maintenance. If the furnace is old, however, technicians can’t always solve this problem because heating systems lose efficiency with age. You should replace an old furnace that has become expensive to operate.

For furnaces that aren’t old, changing the air filter could solve the problem if you forgot to change it on schedule. You should change your filter on a monthly basis to prevent heating problems.

Also, schedule a furnace service call to ensure nothing else is wrong with the furnace. You wouldn’t want another month of a high energy bill if a dirty filter wasn’t the only culprit.

How Much Would Repairs Cost?

Compare the costs of repair and a new furnace installation to determine which is more cost-effective. Repair the furnace if it’s not yet old and the repairs aren’t more than half of the cost of a new furnace. Replace the furnace if it is old and the repairs cost more than one-third the price of a new furnace.

The average furnace lasts 15 to 30 years, but poorly maintained furnaces might not last this long. You need to schedule furnace maintenance once a year to preserve its expected lifespan.

Is It Too Dry or Too Cold Inside?

Poor indoor comfort with an old furnace means it’s time to replace it. The furnace may cause the air to become too dry, or it may fail to reach the set temperature. Another common indoor comfort problem with old furnaces is uneven heating of the home.

Choosing between repairing and replacing your furnace is easy when you know to look at your energy bills, the cost of repairs, and indoor comfort. Contact Dynamic Heating & Cooling, Refrigeration to schedule furnace service in El Paso, TX.

Image provided by iStock

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